就这样,我成功戒色一年半多。现在的我身体恢复良好,工作顺利,正在向人生的新目标迈进。真心希望还在挣扎的戒友们再看了我的帖子后从此远离色情,成功戒色,你们应该比我这个5岁开始淫邪19年的人恢复的更好。最后送大家一句话(对不起我得耍洋了,但不说鸟儿语实在是没法儿抒发自己的感情)“ For the first time of your life, take charge of your own fate and seize the matter in your own hand. Fight for that very dawn in the darkest night. Please, stay away from the porn!”(“为掌握自己的人生和命运,为黑暗世界中的黎明而奋斗,恳请各位远离色情 !) It's not about what you do in the past. It's about what you can become right now.